“Jason Peck’s masterful staging does a fantastic job at creating a haunting, highly intense drama that looks at the basic needs of humankind.”
Pillow Talk (Milk)
“Sensitively directed by Jason Peck who was able to exact some excellent performances . . .”
Two on the Aisle (Birds of North America)
"Gripping, persuasive, challenging and complex, Josh Harmon's "Admissions" is a fast-paced, intelligently written play of real depth performed by a deeply committed cast under Jason Peck's astute, involved direction. It is a play that reverberates with feeling, heartbreak, hypocrisy and pain. Its arguments are heated and crushing. Its emotional connection is entirely truthful. And finally, it's a play that allows its cast of talented actors to cut loose and perform with refreshing, fueled vigor using a creative mindset and theatrical savvy that hits the right chord at every single unadulterated turn.”
Connecticut Critics Circle (Admissions)
“Jason Peck’s magnificent directing brings out the best in all six performers”
Broadway World (Milk)
“Director Jason Peck allows us to see and feel the tension underneath a relationship which reveals itself slowly as perceived slights and unspoken history percolate just below the surface.”
New Haven Register (Birds of North America)
“The strength of Jason Peck’s direction is how he keeps the characters speaking and interacting, but almost never at close quarters. There always seems to be a physical distance between father and daughter, which is not easy to accomplish over a 90-minute period. At one point, towards the end of the production, John, standing behind Caitlin gently and, almost in passing, puts his hand on her should for a brief instant. The moment was electric as the gesture and smile on his face truly encapsulated all he could not say face-to-face.”
Stu on Broadway (Birds of North America)
“ . . . a wild ride . . a cohesive, smartly balanced production that soars under Jason Peck’s precise direction.”
LA Weekly (The House of Yes)
“Jason Peck, the director of "Birds of North America" brings an involved, cinematic fluidity and suppleness to Moench's story, offset by tension, pathos and humor that is minutely calibrated throughout the play's 95 minute running time with such authoritative flourish, freefall and excitement, it's impossible to look away for a single second. You're hooked. You're gobsmacked...
...Peck brings dimension, nuance, snap and pulse to the piece, always knowing when to move someone around the stage, when to have them stop and converse at a particular point and when to start the entire process over and over and back again without ever interrupting the flow of the story, its voice, its ideally crafted conversations or the scene-by-scene rota dictated by the playwright...
...Elsewhere, the actual bird watching (lots of well-timed chirps and trills by Peck designed the atmospheric sound for "Birds") which has the characters looking anxiously through their binoculars from every side of the stage is so believably realized under Peck's tutelage, the actors actually make you believe they are seeing real birds (Tufted titmouse, American redstart, Chipping sparrow, to name a few) right before their very eyes. It's all very, very amazing.”
Connecticut Critics Circle (Birds of North America)
. . . expertly directed by Jason Peck. He has helmed a play that defies you to forget its urgency.”
Ridgefield Press (Milk)
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